Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Music as Motivation

As I scroll through the updated statuses on various social networking sites, I am bombarded with quotes from various R&B and rap lyrics. And while I understand that sometimes the way you feel has already been expressed in a clearer fashion than you are capable of producing, I still usher this warning.

Music is ENTERTAINMENT. Most artists don't even write their own lyrics, and those that do generally focus on the topics they feel will be most readily accepted by the consumer, the listener. That being said, not all rap lyricists have been to jail, sell drugs, disrespect women, or spend all their income on cars and rims. Not all female rappers are promiscuous, bisexual, or scantily clad. Not all R&B artists are currently in love, or falling out of love. Not all Blues singers are really in a rut. These are all stereotypes to be learned from, they are not being illustrated for you to take on and become the stereotype.

These songs are fictitious accounts of situations and activities that COULD influence a persons life. The lyrics should be amusing...not motivation nor the motto for your lifestyle. Anything that you hear or read can responsibly be used as a tool to objectively check you life and change according, however it should not be become the blueprint.

That being said, people please STOP scrapping together all your cash so that you can make it rain, spending more money on your car than you do on your rent, giving up opportunities in the career world so you can sell drugs, buying jewelry based on size and not quality, using song lyrics in arguments to make a point, and collecting baby momma/daddy.

Instead try opening a bank account, investing your money, buying property that appreciates in value, respecting your fellow man, and getting a career. Because until we can change our mindsets and do all of these things....

...How can we really hope to advance as a people?


  1. I agreez. Negros seem to be easily influenced now a days.

  2. Made me think of this song...

  3. You need to reach a point of sigularity. Advancing our selves as a people? I'm not worried about anyone but self, at this point (and the only way that changes is if I have children) but the influence of music c@ be seen on a various number of peoples and cutures. But if I were focused on advancement... it would be the entire race of humankind. Long are dead the preceptions of differences based on skin color, and any who still subscribes to these notions is soon to be obsolete, this world is rapidly moving to a global class based system of segregation. So I ask you, what does the music I listen to have to do with that? What does the music I allow to influence me have to do with that? What does the music I post on my social profiles have to do with that? The problem is the awareness, or lack there of amoungst the populus.

  4. Now, I just wanna watch you back it up and dump it...

  5. To clarify, when i say "advance as a people" i did not specify a race, color, creed, or specific culture. It was a discription of all human kind, a group that I am not only a part of but that I would also hope was striving for the same total and personal advancement that I am. As far as the influence of music, it is undeniably and indesputably a part of every culture, however, the issues I outlined spawn from allowing to corrupt, manipulate, and pollute the minds of our youth. I would also point out that I am not singling out any particular genre of music. My point is that any influence left unchecked can easily become a negative one.

    Thank you for the comment!
