Monday, April 19, 2010

Are You Serious!

Greetings viewers. Today is my first day blogging so ill begin by introducing my blog. The title is PolitikZ which represents Dr. Z's (that's me) personal look at some of the issues I encounter. These will not be limited to the news, pieces of legislation, and country wide scandal, but will also touch on neighborhood issues, inschool behavior, and anything else I encounter that deserves to be mentioned.

So lets jump on in here.

Today's topic is Are You Serious: Night Club Edition.

As one grows older, the natural progression of things is that one would mature and move away from childish and unscrupulous behavior. You begin to change and thus the activities that you participate in follow suit. Ultimately, you begin to dress differently for these new activities and find yourself changing a bit more until...before you know it, you have become an adult.

Or so one would think.

And while all this changing can sometimes be a challenge, it should not be viewed as "selling out" or "being flaw" but as an effort to mature. To be able to participate in more adult activities, in mature settings, while dressing the part so as to not look like a dang fool. This is the way to be taken seriously as an adult in today's society.

Here is the kicker....wait for it.....

So, why is it then, that so many of us would like to go on behaving ignorantly and in a juvenile fashion while everyday quoting Cedric the Entertainer's "Im a grown ass man, dog".

There are many examples I could choose from, however as previously stated, this is the Night Club Edition.

So here is a list of inappropriate Night club behavior for "Adults". (mostly addressing people over the age of 21)

First, and most important....these club photos:

15 people taking a picture in front of an airbrushed picture of Patron

Using bottles of alcohol as props in the photo

Obscene hand gestures (shooting a bird) at the camera

Women Bending over in the front

Framing your club photo to display in your home

Taking your photo standing backwards to show off the goods. (ladies...don't blow us)

Now, attire...[deep sigh]

Going out with underwear showing (boxers, thongs or bras)--you look dirty

Small men wearing Tall Tees to the club (if you are under 6' tall, this means you)

Taking your shirt off--it's never that hot

Taking your shoes off--if they hurt, you should have figured that out before you got there

No gym shoes PLEASE (no i don't care if they are Jordans)--especially the ladies

Lastly the behavior

I know sometimes its hard, but please avoid holding your arm up and yelling "This My Song"...I guarantee nobody cares!

If this club sells food, eat it BEFORE proceeding to the dance floor.

If at any point you have to throw up, realize that your night is over and proceed to an exit, DO NOT think this means you are ok now and can continue to party. You ARE NOT ok.

If you are like 45 yrs old, stay away from 18 & up clubs. When they say & up, they dont mean that high.

Those are all the tips I can come up with for now, please take this free advise, I promise it will do wonders for your social life. If there are any I forgot...Feel free to comment.

Until Next time, Dr. Z signing off ...


  1. LOL! As a person who has been to the club and seen such atrocities, I commend you for pointing this bs out! These "grown" folks need mirrors. Better yet, better friends who let them know that its not okay. When they look at these kind of pictures ten years from now, I hope they hold their head in shame and disgust as I do when I see them.
    In addition, this whole getting far too wasted to stand up by yourself and looking real sloppy has got to stop. You wouldn't want one of your homies to pull that on you, so why do it to them?
    Last but not least, keep your private areas private! I'm still upset at the fact some dude's dick touched my arm in the club one night. And no, not the covered up kind either. Eww.
    Oh and P.S. ♥ it!

  2. Girl....the fact that you even came up with words to describe that picture just boggles my mind. And to the ladies in the front.....I'm guessing that's what's really good in the hood....such a sad sight, and the fools in the back are no betta....I just have to smhid (shake my head in disappointment)
